Why Coaching Is So Much More Valuable Than Therapy

While reflecting on coaching and therapy I found that therapy is particularly, for value, highly overrated. So, I thought I would go over some of the most profound differences between coaching and therapy and explain them to you guys.

First off, a lot of therapy is focused on looking at the past, and I think that is really helpful to a certain point. As long as the past is processed efficiently, there’s nothing wrong with it. But, working through the past in this way is also concerned with labels, DSM labels, and insurance. A lot of the collateral damage from diagnosis and these labels keep us in the past and lead to victimhood. It institutes something: a belief that there is something wrong with you.

Coaching, however, seems so much more proactive — it has been! I’m speaking from my personal experience. Coaching isn’t all about the diagnosis like therapy often is. It’s more along the lines of: “there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s about getting up to the next level”. I remember, I was reluctant to get a coach and then my first coach said: “Look, if you’re a high performer, your parents are your first coaches.” Now, there’s nothing wrong with that, but if you’re high performing you kind of want to get a different opinion. I’ve seen this in tennis a lot — where people are first coached by their parents. But, oftentimes, it’s not enough. Let’s take Richard Williams, as an example. He went to Florida and he got the best coaches — he got a different angle and a different opinion. And it wasn’t because there was something wrong with him! This is where coaching is different from therapy, it’s not concerned with “oh there’s something wrong” or what you can’t do… It’s just “hey, this is how you can get one percent better”.

Another big difference is that therapists are really restricted, I mean in my experience there has just been no communication between sessions and stuff. With coaches, that’s like part of the deal, the constant feedback. I can send my trainer workouts while I’m doing them and getting them in real-time… there’s a bigger difference. Coaches are always available, not just during sessions.

Clarity is a big reason why I make these videos, and it’s very important to me to find clarity in coaching and therapy. A lot of times I feel like therapy is 50 percent problem 10 percent solution, I think that’s why trauma therapies that work on modalities and actually get to the EMDR. Coaches give you that clarity and accountability.

One of the books that really helped me was ‘Toxic Parents’ it was called writing and role play. These are things that they don’t teach you in therapy school, which I found far more effective, even in processing stuff.

Let’s look at ADHD. It’s being diagnosed more and more and there are a lot of therapists, in my opinion, that don’t even understand it. When I’m talking to someone, be it a coach or therapist, I want someone who’s been through what I’ve been through, someone who not only understands me but also my struggles. It’s like Tony Robbins talked about in the model. Rather than going through the bullshit, it’s sometimes about suppressing things.

So, when looking at value, coaching has been a lot more effective in my life. And, as far as therapy goes, it’s not useless and has its place, but it’s not as useful as coaches.

Books to Read

I read a lot, but I question why to find that new book, It is best to consume books, so with that I will go through the books that actually change me and that I can get through and most probably get audiobooks.

  1. The Creative Mind
  2. David Hawkins stuff
  3. Some ADHD stuff

Books to Review

  1. GTD – What is next step – Pram
  2. Tim Ferris – What would it look like this was easy?


# def twoNum(self, nums, target):

def twoNum(nums, target=9):
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
difference = target-num
if difference in nums:
return i+1, nums.index(difference) + 1
return False



def countPrimesBelow(number):

counter = 0
for num in range(2,number):
if isPrime(num):
counter = counter+1
return counter

def isPrime(number):
for i in range(2,number):
if number%i == 0:
return False

return True

Python Flashcards

Hierarchial Clusters – Start with one and cluster all the way down.

K-Means – Centroid. Items you put things in clusters and recalculates centroids

DBScan – similar but is has orphans.



  • Count Vectorizer 
  • TFIDF Vectorizer


Python Snippets

How to generate a dict of alphabet in Python








In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv", nrows=20)






Problem Statement

Write down 8 horrible ideas. Write 8 great ideas. Then test using design thinking

I want to predict based on the data science survey to predict what is the best combination of skills to master as a data scientist.

Meyers Briggs. Figure out what personality type. This is one available on Kaggle.

I want to predict the betting line based on features.

I want to predict based on Twitter analysis.

Research process involves reading some things in the field.

Quantopian – Backtest. Pick a stock symbol like Amazon. Do data analysis on things like BTC and AMZN.

Also ARIMA. There is no end to these types of things.